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Hello! 2020 started like...more or less 3 bulan yang lalu. And it's not easy, getting in this year. I mean, sekarang gue harus working from home karena pemerintah Malaysia melakukan Restriction Movement Order. But aside from me not liking the fact that I need to do my work from home (karena gue anaknya "work-life balance" banget, dirumah ya no work related) and few plans has to be cancelled/postponed (diving di Tioman, balk ke Jakarta, etc2), the bright side is I can stay home taking care on myself. By taking care I mean focused more on my skin! :) Jadi, since last year gue emang udah mulai skin-carean. Tapi bedanya, gue enggak sabaran. In which tiap sebulan ganti regimen, ganti product. Belom lagi while curing, gue tetep pake foundation/concealer buat covering redness. Akhirnya sampe 6 bulan yang lalu (sekitaran bulan September akhir), gue nonton videonya Mbak Saddy Aulia yang ini di YouTube. Setelah nonton videonya, gue jadi sadar kalo kita emang gabisa cepet-

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