Jalan-jalan ke MOCA Bangkok

by Thawan Duchnee

if you're wondering,
my pants from: Zara, Top from: The Editor's MarketEarrings: Pomelo.

I was planning to write this few weeks ago, tapi malah jadi kepostpone terus hehehe but here it goesss!!

Waktu kita berangkat kemarin cukup singkat (berangkat Jumat pagi sekitar jam 10, pulangnya Minggu jam 10 pagi juga). It was my second time traveling to Bangkok, while for him it was his first. Pada dasarnya, Eldo is more to food traveler, meanwhile I'm more to "jalan-jalan" kinda person. Trus, kita berdua tipe orang yang jalan-jalan santai. We both work in office, daily life, doing routine everyday. So basically when we are traveling, we want to enjoy the time. Jadi, enggak ada acara mesti pagi-pagi bangun biar "enggak abisin waktu"

So based on personality kita berdua ini, kita combine apa yang kita mau. Like for me, visiting some museum is a must. I'm not necessarily orang yang paham seni. It's just that looking at those art pieces, peacefully...is my kind of therapy (other than retail therapy, ofc!)

Jadi, as you guys may know, our intention (mostly Eldo's) was makan-makan. Dia sama sekali enggak kepikiran buat temple hopping (ntar dia marah-marah kepanasan) dan gue juga udah pernah temple hopping. Jadi pas trip kemarin, kita cuma jalan-jalan aja. Kita mampir ke MOCA, Museum of Contemporary Arts di Bangkok.

Location-wise, tempatnya butuh effort buat disinggahin karena enggak connect with any of BTS/MRT. The museum itself is a 5-storey floor (kalo enggak salah, or 6 gitu). Lots of exhibitions, both permanently and temporary. Beautifully designed with an amphitheater on the side. Sempet duduk-duduk di amphitheater-nya buat enjoying the afternoon wind while sipping iced coffee.

So, if you preferred to enjoy some chill day, I'd say you can go here. Eldo likes this one better than National Gallery Singapore. Also, you got free mineral water from the ticket.

That's all from me, folks. Have a good week ahead!



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